by Cathy Messecar Description With an easy-to-read style and biblically founded truths, A Still and Quiet Soul helps readers cultivate contentment in life even in the midst of chaos. Life...
by Denise George Description This book presents the fourteen different types of biblical rest and shows how tired and overworked women can incorporate them into their everyday lives. Today's Christian...
by Heather Creekmore Description See your body image struggles as issues of the heart—the find freedom from body insecurity using five biblically rooted steps.Are you tired of clichés like “It’s...
by David Lyons Description An inspiring story of one man's diagnosis with Multiple Sclerosis at age 47 and his struggle to rise from the depths of despair to the stage...
by Janet Thompson Description Dear God, Why Cant I Have a Baby? provides women and "couples-in-waiting"with tools, direction, guidance, hope, and encouragement not to lose faith in God, or in...
by Virgil M. Fry Description Hospital chaplain Virgil Fry weaves together poems, prayers and reflections on faith to help those who are affected by illness or those suffering loss. This...
Buy One Get One Free along with a six session online video curriculum for small group discussions. Enter the code ELS2019 at checkout. Make sure you put two copies in your...
by Alice J. Wisler Description Getting Out of Bed in the Morning motivates readers who are facing grief and loss to get out of bed and face a life which,...
by Kathy Howard Description In this daily devotional, Kathy Howard combines Scripture reading, insightful commentary, personal reflection, and Scripture memory to help women draw closer to God and experience his...
by Lynda T. Young Description In America today, 730,000 children between the ages of 0-21 have Autism Spectrum Disorder. This inspiring book provides information, guidance, and encouragement for the families...
by Lynda T. Young & Chaplain Johnnathan Ward Description "Your child has cancer. . . ." What do you do when those words are spoken to you for the first...
by Nancy B. Kennedy Description In How We Did It, Nancy Kennedy retells the stories of those who have tried every weight-loss program available, facing both frustration and success. These...
by Glynnis Whitwer Description Combining spiritual encouragement and practical application, I Used to Be So Organized presents a balanced approach to finding order and peace for today's overwhelmed woman. I...
by Shane Stanford and Scott Morris with Susan Martins Miller Description Awaken the imagination to what is possible when people of faith respond to God’s call.We’ve forgotten that the key to...
by R. Lanny Hunter & Victor L. Hunter Description Dr. R. Lanny Hunter and Pastor Victor L. Hunter offer a thoughtful and practical guide to understanding anxiety through the eyes...
by Nancy B. Kennedy Description Drawn from the day-to-day lives of our nation's doctors, Miracles & Moments of Grace brings 50 inspirational, true-life stories that touch the heart. In Miracles...
by Mitch Harrison Description If your car runs out of gas, your day is ruined. If you run out of gas, months of your life are ruined. In Running on Full,...
by Rita Schulte Description Shattered explores how grief-avoidance strategies can keep us from fighting the battle to reclaim and reinvest our hearts after loss, and what faith-based strategies are necessary...