Description A compelling story of how one man, in light of his Christian faith, questioned the exclusivist claims of church, nation, and race. In The Grace of Troublesome Questions, Richard...
Description Hispanics are not a current trend. They have been here for centuries and embody an integral part of the United States and higher education. Every racial term—including Hispanic, Latino/a,...
Description Is your spiritual imagination up to the task of following Jesus’s vision for healing our broken world?“Gradually, very gradually, we saw the great mountain sides and glaciers . . . until...
Description A Psalter/Commentary combining in-depth study of Psalms 90–150 with 140 new songs. This volume, encompassing Psalms 90–150, is the final volume of the series. Volume one covered Psalms 1–41,...
Description Empower your children with the gift of tenacity through these practical, meaningful tools for their mental and spiritual health. Trekking toward Tenacity walks through Psalm 139 verse by verse,...
Description Embrace the tension of unmet longing and choose hope—even when life doesn’t look like you thought it would. Maybe you’ve chosen to bury your dreams, denying your desires and...
Description Nagging thoughts simmer and sizzle within you. Super-sized fears shake and overtake you. It’s the enemy “worry.” But you have the power to win over it. Keri is no...