Description The untold story of a basketball pioneer who broke the color barrier in Texas basketball. Though another athlete who played in the NFL is often credited for being the...
by Cary Balzer & Rod Reed Description A groundbreaking work on holistic spiritual formation in Christian higher education. Contemporary Christian universities claim that students grow spiritually while enrolled, yet very...
by Mark E. Powell Description Introduces Christianity's most central belief, the doctrine of the Trinity, by exploring how the Trinity shapes key aspects of Christian faith and spirituality. In the...
by Gary Holloway Description "Sometimes we all need a word of encouragement. We face all kinds of trouble: nagging illnesses, boring, repetitive jobs, not feeling appreciated...or worse trouble: the tumor...
By Perry Glanzer, Theodore F. Cockle, Elijah G. Jeong, and Britney N. Graber Description How does the Christian faith inform Christian student affairs practice? How should it? Instead of placing...
by James Burton Coffman Description The "layman's commentary" is thoroughly prepared with the dedication of a research scholar. It is presented in the easy flowing style of a good Bible...
by James Burton Coffman Description The "layman's commentary" is thoroughly prepared with the dedication of a research scholar. It is presented in the easy flowing style of a good Bible...
by James Burton Coffman Description The "layman's commentary" is thoroughly prepared with the dedication of a research scholar. It is presented in the easy flowing style of a good Bible...
by James Burton Coffman Description The "layman's commentary" is thoroughly prepared with the dedication of a research scholar. It is presented in the easy flowing style of a good Bible...
by James Burton Coffman Description The "layman's commentary" is thoroughly prepared with the dedication of a research scholar. It is presented in the easy flowing style of a good Bible...
by James Burton Coffman Description The "layman's commentary" is thoroughly prepared with the dedication of a research scholar. It is presented in the easy flowing style of a good Bible...
by James Burton Coffman Description The "layman's commentary" is thoroughly prepared with the dedication of a research scholar. It is presented in the easy flowing style of a good Bible...
by James Burton Coffman Description The "layman's commentary" is thoroughly prepared with the dedication of a research scholar. It is presented in the easy flowing style of a good Bible...
by James Burton Coffman Description The "layman's commentary" is thoroughly prepared with the dedication of a research scholar. It is presented in the easy flowing style of a good Bible...
by James Burton Coffman Description The "layman's commentary" is thoroughly prepared with the dedication of a research scholar. It is presented in the easy flowing style of a good Bible...
by James Burton Coffman Description The "layman's commentary" is thoroughly prepared with the dedication of a research scholar. It is presented in the easy flowing style of a good Bible...
by James Burton Coffman Description The "layman's commentary" is thoroughly prepared with the dedication of a research scholar. It is presented in the easy flowing style of a good Bible...
by James Burton Coffman Description The "layman's commentary" is thoroughly prepared with the dedication of a research scholar. It is presented in the easy flowing style of a good Bible...