• Praying with Ancient Israel: Exploring the Theology of Prayer in the Old Testament

Praying with Ancient Israel: Exploring the Theology of Prayer in the Old Testament

$ 19.99

by Phillip G. Camp & Tremper Longman III

The Old Testament is more than a history. Make it a sourcebook for your everyday prayers.

Praying with Ancient Israel surveys large portions of the Old Testament—including sections that are often overlooked, such as Ruth & Esther, the Prophets, and Wisdom Literature—and shows how each offers a vital, unique perspective on prayer.

Also, since prayer touches every aspect of life, this book addresses how a theology of prayer in the Old Testament has abiding significance for Christians today. The hope is that Praying with Ancient Israel will provide fuel for the fire as you study about prayer and grow more deeply in communication with God.

Phillip Camp is an associate professor of Bible in the Hazelip School of Theology at Lipscomb University. He also serves as a minister for the Natchez Trace Church of Christ in Nashville, TN. His previous books include Finding Your Way: A Guide to Seminary Life and Beyond (Wipf & Stock Pub, 2009) and Living as the Community of God: Moses Speaks to the Church in Deuteronomy (CrossLink Publishing, 2014).

Tremper Longman III is the Robert H. Gundry Professor of Biblical Studies at Westmont College. He earned a BA in Religion at Ohio Wesleyan University, an MDiv from Westminster Theological Seminary, and a PhD in ancient Near Eastern studies from Yale University. He has authored more than twenty books, including How to Read the Psalms (IVP, 1988).

“Designed to be comprehensive and accessible, this volume explores both the diversity and vitality of prayer in the Old Testament. It will prove to be an important theological resource for students, pastors, and scholars.”
William P. Brown,
William Marcellus McPheeters Professor of Old Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary

“It is clear that when we pray, we stand in a long line of those who have prayed. We do not invent the cadences and habits of prayer, but rather we echo and reiterate the faithfulness of those who have preceded us. The book will serve both as a welcome exposition of scripture and as instruction to our own work of prayer.”
Walter Brueggemann,
professor Emeritus, Columbia Theological Seminary

“Close reading of how and why Israel prayed, as this book ably demonstrates, deepens our understanding of the nature, character, and purposes of God, and by extension, of the promise and potential of the Church at prayer in and for the world. For communities of faith, such a book will no doubt be more than an important addition to the library; it will be a generative resource for robust participation in the ongoing discourse between heaven and earth.”
Samuel Balentine,
professor of Old Testament, Union Presbyterian Seminary

“The new starting point for the study of prayer in the Hebrew Bible. In dialogue with recent research, this volume exposes readers to the rich and diverse canonical traditions of prayer. Wise contributions, accessibly written.”
Mark J. Boda,
Professor of Old Testament, McMaster Divinity College; professor, Faculty of Theology, McMaster University 

ISBN: 9780891123798

Pages: 192

Dimensions (inches): 6 x 9

Weight (pounds): 0.45

Vendor: ACU Press

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