by Dana Hood
Writing out of her own experience of a heartbreaking divorce, Dana Hood shares 53 devotional messages to encourage and inspire women going through divorce.
The author writes: "Through the excruciating pain of divorce, the Lord was truly changing my name. From abandoned to welcomed. From rejected to cherished. From defeated to victorious. At times I listen to the deceiver's lies and forget my name. But the Father is always there to remind me of my true identity: I am his."
"And so it is with you. If you will call on him, he will change your name, too. What names do you carry? Lonely? Abandoned? Bitter? Hopeless? Go to the Father, and let him speak your true name into your heart."
A practical and sensitive word of encouragement to all who are going through the stress and difficulties of divorce.
Dana Hood chairs the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at Abilene Christian University, Abilene, Texas. Her books include Beautiful in God's Eyes: Building Character, Wisdom and Faith in Young Women, Let All the Children Come to Me: A Practical Guide for Including Children with Disabilities in Your Church Ministries, and Along the Way: Conversations about Children & Faith. Since writing this book Dana has married Glenn Pemberton and they live in Abilene, texas
ISBN: 9780891125099
Pages: 130
Dimensions (inches): 7.25 x 5.5
Weight (pounds): 0.5