by John Mark Hicks
A rich resource for renewing the practice of the sacraments in a way that encourages faithful discipleship in a hostile environment.
As evangelicals and other Christians continue the renewal and deepening of their practice of the sacraments, Enter the Water, Come to the Table provides an accessible study. It explores the meaning and practice of baptism and the Lord's supper through the lens of the biblical story's movement from creation to new creation.
Rooting this sacramental journey in the exodus of Israel, this book shows how Jesus inaugurates a new exodus from old creation into new creation. Jesus' own baptism and table fellowship with his disciples embody the kingdom of God as new creation realities. In the light of Jesus' death and resurrection, baptism and the Lord's supper not only promise a future but they call and empower us, through the presence of the Spirit, to practice new life now.
Enter the Water, Come to the Table provides a resource for believers to renew the practice of the sacraments in a way that encourages faithful discipleship in a hostile environment and embodies practices that enable new creation life in the present.
John Mark Hicks serves as professor of theology in the Hazelip School of Theology at Lipscomb University, Nashville, Tennessee. He has taught theology in seminaries for thirty-three years and has authored or co-authored ten books, including Down in the River to Pray: Revisioning Baptism as God's Transforming Work. In his travels he has served faith communities in forty states and twenty countries. He lives in Tennessee with his wife Jennifer.
ISBN: 9780891124832
Pages: 176
Dimensions (inches): 5.5 x 8.25
Weight (pounds): 0.5