• All Ages Becoming: Intergenerational Practice in the Formation of God's People

All Ages Becoming: Intergenerational Practice in the Formation of God's People

$ 25.99

We are in this together—all ages practicing, all ages becoming God’s people.

Often, intergenerational initiatives are seen as the next new church trend, or another programming tool for church growth and revitalization. Ultimately, though, intergenerational practice is at the core of what it means for us to be the body of Christ. God intends for all ages to participate in faith formation together; we are formed in our practice of intergenerationallity as we participate in the formation of becoming God’s people.

All Ages Becoming brings theologians, practitioners, and ministry leaders, representing diverse denominations, generations, cultures, and geographical locations, together to help us explore this adventure of intergenerational Christian practice. As you consider intergenerational practice in your own faith community, each chapter provides “Theology in Practice” sections with questions designed to help your community reflect, discuss, discover, experiment, reinvent, redesign, and continue in your community of practice.

Valerie M. Grissom, MDiv, DWS, is a certified pastor in the Northwest Coast Presbytery (PC- USA), near Seattle, Washington. She serves as the Vice Chair for Intergenerate. As a worship leader and pastor for over nineteen years, in a variety of denominations and ecumenical settings, Valerie is passionate about worship renewal in the Church. Valerie’s research, writing, speaking, coaching, and mentoring focus is on intergenerational and intercultural worship.

All Ages Becoming includes voices from around the world and across a wide range of Christian expressions to introduce important topics and support those of us who want to invite people of all ages to gather together to learn and worship. Each chapter also contains helpful questions to encourage us to move past programs and to focus on forming the faith of those with whom we work as we apply what we are reading to our own contexts and ministries.”

—Robert J. Keeley, PhD, Professor of Education, Emeritus, Calvin University, former visiting Professor of Faith Formation and Discipleship, Calvin Theological Seminary, and author

“I often get asked what books I recommend for ministers or parents/caregivers who are interested in connecting generations in relationship for discipleship. This book will now top the list. Not only do these authors give a wide array of information about intergenerational ministry, spiritual formation, and discipleship at church and at home, they do so in a way that is accessible to everyone who is looking to learn and grow their understanding. Whether someone comes looking for theological foundations or practical application, the answer can be found in one or more of the chapters included in the pages of this book. More than just a collection of articles, All Ages Becoming is a handbook for ministers and caregivers; one that will sit on the shelf in an easy-to-grab location for frequent reference and consultation.”

—Rev. Dr. Christina Embree, Director/Founder of ReFocus Ministry, Minister of Generational Discipleship, Great Lakes Conference, Brethren In Christ US

“To minimize generational conflicts or accommodate preferences, congregations often divide along age or affinity lines. Except in rare cases, all generations seem to lose. All Ages Becoming is a collaboration from an eclectic group of educators, theologians, and practitioners that serves as a model for unity even in our diversity. The convergence of their various cultures, expertise, and experience offers a practical guide any faith community can use to discover biblical and theological foundational principles to help frame their intergenerational practices. This timely resource reminds our congregations how much better we are when every generation is the Church together.”

—Dr. David Manner, Executive Director Treasurer, Kansas-Nebraska Convention of Southern Baptists, author of Better Sundays Begin on Monday: 52 Exercises for Evaluating Weekly Worship

“The third book in the InterGenerate series, All Ages Becoming adds much to the study, conversation, and practice of intentional intergenerational community for the Christian church. Woven throughout is the language and metaphor of ‘becoming,’ helping us understand that this transformation is always a work-in-progress. All the ‘questions to consider’ that are included help us ponder and process the content and ideas. I am grateful for these voices—the practitioners and the researchers alike; each one excited and committed to this critical approach to being the body of Christ, together.”

—Liz Perraud, Executive Director, GenOn Ministries

“What a gift this book is to the church today as we struggle with effective ways to engage and equip all generations together, including the youth and children that desperately need to know they belong with—and are connected to—an embodied community of faithful people who care deeply about their becoming! In my sojourn as an official children and family pastor in a large congregation, I would have given anything to get my hands and eyes on a book such as this one that brings together the best thinkers—and doers—for intergenerational formation! Now this gift for the church is yours to read and share, discuss and try out. As Linda Staats says in Chapter One of this meaty book, here is an invitation for all of us to find our place of becoming in the ‘beautiful circular pattern of intergenerational blessing.’”

—Trevecca Okholm, MA, former Children and Family Minister (PCUSA) and Professor of Practical Theology, Azusa Pacific University, coeditor of Children’s Ministry and the Spiritual Child: Practical Formation-Focused Ministry

All Ages Becoming is a fine addition to the growing body of theory and practice in intergenerational ministry and faith formation. The chapters address the needs of the veteran practitioner and those who are just beginning on the journey to an intergenerational future for their church. There is a wide scope of study—theological foundations, faith formation with parents and the family, intergenerational preaching and worship, intergenerational practices and models—all to help pastoral leaders create communities and ministries that are more intentionally intergenerational. Our future is intergenerational and All Ages Becoming is a guide to that future.”

—John Roberto, Lifelong Faith Associates, author of Lifelong Faith: Formation for All Ages and Generations

“What a beautiful picture of the body of Christ! All Ages Becoming not only allows you to envision intergenerational ministry but equips you with the theology needed to align your heart and soul to this lens of ministry and offers practices to make it realistic in your faith community and home.”

—Joy Wendling, Founder of Created to Play Ministries; Host of Playfully Faithful Parenting podcast; Christian Parenting Coach, Speaker, and Writer

All Ages Becoming gives us both the theology and practice—the whys and hows—of intergenerational ministry. These chapters delve into the challenges and opportunities of bringing generations together and explore the life-giving transformations that can occur when we are in intentional relationship with others of different ages and stages as we try to follow Jesus. Whether you are looking for inspiration or ideas your congregation can take and run with, Valerie Grissom and her colleagues offer an increasingly relevant and deeply compelling way of being church in a changing world.”

—Wendy Claire Barrie, Canon for Intergenerational Ministries at Saint Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral, Seattle, Washington; author of Faith at Home: A Handbook for Cautiously Christian Parents

“As the field of intergenerational ministry continues to gain traction, its great strength is the breadth of the voices engaged in research, advocacy, and storytelling. The authors in this compilation represent a wide range of theological and denominational traditions, guaranteeing that every reader will be encouraged and challenged to critically engage with the perspectives taken. Grissom has collated established authors, fresh voices, and emerging researchers into a work that will spark the imagination toward wise and creative intergenerational ministry practice in the local church.”

—Tim Beilharz, Children’s Ministry Advisor and Intergenerational Ministry Lecturer at Youthworks

All Ages Becoming is a new, rich, and life-giving text that all leaders who seek to engage across all ages need to read. It is like a choir of voices, all with their unique flavours and tones, coming together to bring harmony, strength, and beauty to the growing conversation of what it means for all ages to grow, love, and serve together. This book is filled with a balanced blend of theology and practice. It is easy to read and shares very helpful tools and keys to implement into your own faith communities and leadership.”

—Tammy Preston, Team Leader, Intergenerate Australia, and author of Piece by Piece and Collide: Exploring Intergenerational Ministry

“Imagine faith formation that is alive and engaging and seeks to form disciples of all ages. Intergenerational faith formation seeks to form every person in our faith communities, no matter where they are on the journey. Understanding that faith is not only passed down from those with much life experience but also passed up through the eyes of youth who see the world with fresh insights is at the heart of intergenerational faith formation. All Ages Becoming is a great resource to help faith communities move beyond traditional classroom-based programs toward dynamic faith formation that seeks to form disciples for a lifetime of growing in faith.”

—Catherine Souto, Pastoral Assistant for Religious Formation, The Catholic Community of St. Charles Borromeo, Skillman, NJ

All Ages Becoming is a worthy addition to the growing intergenerational ministry canon. Featuring a well-judged mix of fresh and familiar voices, it helpfully blends theology, research, and practical ministry application into one very accessible book. Most powerfully, it is an invitation to become who we are meant to be as we reimagine faith practices, discipleship, worship, preaching—and more—with a focus on intergenerationality.”

—Chris Barnett, Executive General Manager, Intergen, Australia; former Intergenerational Leader, Uniting Church Synod of Victoria and Tasmania

ISBN 9781684264018

Pages 256

Dimensions (inches) 6 x 9

Weight (pounds) .5

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