• The Unknown God: Clearing Away Confusion about God

The Unknown God: Clearing Away Confusion about God

$ 14.99

by Jon Walker

There's a danger in following a God we don't even know. We become vulnerable to the idea that we must constantly try harder to please God. This book exposes the myths that keep us feeling like God is always judging and condemning us.

If you've ever felt that it's impossible to please God, this book is for you.

Too many of us are following a mythical god who we think is always mad and always looking to catch us doing something wrong; or even worse, condemning us when we fail to do the right thing.

The sad thing is we teach this repeatedly in the church and believe this again and again in our Christian walk because we follow an Unknown God. It locks us in a behavior-based Christianity that demands we keep trying harder. But God never meant for us to become slaves to condemnation. Instead of trying harder, he wants us to trust more. Get to know God and understand that all of his commandments are meant to help us live in fellowship with Jesus.

Jon Walker is managing editor of Rick Warren's Daily Hope devotional and editorial director of Saddleback Resources. He's also been a pastor at Saddleback Church, vice president of communications at Purpose Driven Ministries, and founding editor of Rick Warren's Ministry Toolbox. Jon lives with his two sons and his dog in Hendersonville, Tennessee. You can learn more about his ministry at www.gracecreates.com.

ISBN: 9780891126539

Pages: 208

Dimensions (inches): 8.25 x 5.5

Weight (pounds): 0.55

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