• Serve Strong: Biblical Encouragement to Sustain God's Servants

Serve Strong: Biblical Encouragement to Sustain God's Servants

$ 14.99

by Terry Powell

Serve Strong helps volunteers as well as vocational Christian workers combat discouragement, persevere through weariness, and cultivate endurance for the long haul.

Serve the Lord long enough and discouragement or some form of opposition is inevitable. Joy-sapping workloads, feelings of inadequacy, lack of fruitfulness, or battle fatigue from spiritual warfare often spurs God's servants to quit or sabotages their passion. The purpose of this book is to infuse them with biblical perspectives that buoy flagging spirits, boost motivation, and cultivate endurance.

Terry Powell holds a PhD from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Since 1981, he has taught Bible, Church Education, and Leadership classes at Columbia International University in South Carolina. Terry has served as an associate staff member for three churches, and is a licensed preacher for the Presbyterian Church in America. Terry has written or co-authored 17 books including Now That's A Good Question! In addition to his bride of 42 years, Terry has two grown sons, and one two-year-old grandson.

"If I needed surgery, I would look for the best surgeon I could find. If you need encouragement in serving Christ, you've already found the man who's spent his entire life walking in your shoes. Not only has Terry Powell dedicated his life to service, but he is also uniquely qualified to infuse you with enthusiasm to stay at the task."

—Jerry B. Jenkins, novelist and biographer

"What Terry has written, stemming from decades of experience in ministry, recognizes that God's servants often need encouragement. This book will go a long way toward convincing God's servants that their labor is not in vain."

—Stuart Briscoe, prolific author and popular speaker

ISBN: 9780891124320

Pages: 240

Dimensions (inches): 8.25 x 5.5

Weight (pounds): 0.6

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