• Hebrews: Ancient Encouragement for Believers Today

Hebrews: Ancient Encouragement for Believers Today

$ 21.99

by Edward William Fudge

Intended for preachers, university and seminary students and adult Bible class teachers, Hebrews: Ancient Encouragement for Believers Today is a "bridge" commentary—delivering the best insights of contemporary scholarship in understandable, non-technical language. Edward William Fudge shows that the author of Hebrews used four Psalms as a framework to re-tell the story of Jesus to a disheartened audience that was tempted to walk away. The same structure and intense focus on Jesus permeates and empowers this narrative commentary, bringing fresh encouragement to believers today.

An international array of transdenominational Bible scholars and church leaders commend the meticulous scholarship and sound exposition in this commentary, and note its clarity and simplicity, its wise application and elegant prose. Reviewers call it "brilliant" and "a momentous accomplishment." One homiletics professor labels it "essential;" another calls it "a mandatory asset."

Edward William Fudge is a Bible teacher, preacher and attorney in Houston, Texas. His internet publication, gracEmail, regularly encourages thousands of believers around the world. He has conducted retreats and Bible studies for churches and schools of many denominations in the U.S., Canada, and New Zealand. His books include The Divine Rescue: The gripping drama of a lost world and of the creator who will not let it go, and The Fire That Consumes. Edward and Sara Faye have been married 42 years and have two children and four grandchildren.

"Commentary writing usually leads to boring prose; after all, the 'plot' of a book is already known and the job of a commentary is to explain what is already there not to invent something that is not there, though many commentaries have done the latter. Fudge, however, parts from the norm by writing prose that keeps the reader alert. He's got a good format: the 'Why and Wherefore' (big picture, clear idea of whole passage) is followed by 'Unpacking the Text' (made clear and accessible for English-Bible readers) and throughout excellent sidebars. He is more Calvinist than Arminian on the apostasy passages in Hebrews. This commentary is marked by a thoroughly christocentric approach and a keen sensitivity for the pastor/preacher. For its size and scope, I canÍt think of a better commentary."

- Scot McKnight, author, professor at North Park University

"Here is a strong, theologically-informed exposition that will be of especial help to preachers seeking to encourage contemporary believers."

- Will Willimon,Bishop, United Methodist Church

"I heartily recommend this commentary which, written by a scholar for lay people, is balanced, clear and transparent."

- Simon Kistemaker, Professor of New Testament Emeritus, Reformed Theological Seminary

"This book should be within arm's reach. I've just added it to my short list of essential preparations for preaching Hebrews."

- David Fleer, Professor of Bible and Communication; Director of Annual Conference on Preaching, Lipscomb University

"Fudge masterfully distills modern scholarly discussions into readable, elegant prose."

- David B. Capes
Professor of New Testament and Honors Dean
Houston Baptist University

"If you've never studied Hebrews because you think it's too hard, you will be delighted by this book."

- Sarah Sumner
Professor of Theology and Ministry
Graduate School of Theology
Azusa Pacific University

"Through his study of the text and wise pastoral applications, Fudge has written a guide to Hebrews that I am happy to commend."

- David Bartlett
Professor of New Testament; Columbia Theological Seminary
Professor of Preaching Emeritus; Yale Divinity School

"Edward Fudge's love for Scripture shows on every page of this readable commentary, as does his skill in the art of interpretation."

- Brian McLaren

ISBN: 9780891126256

Pages: 272

Dimensions (inches): 9 x 6

Weight (pounds): 0.8


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