• 100 Years of African Missions: Essays in Honor of Wendell Broom

100 Years of African Missions: Essays in Honor of Wendell Broom

$ 26.99

by Stanley E. Granberg

The book is organized into four major sections. Section I introduces Wendell Broom. Section II is "God's Call to a Continent: People and Places." Section III "Mission Strategies and Issues". The final section, Section IV, is entitled "Concluding Thoughts" and shares some concluding thoughts on the future of African missions and the African church. The final content chapter is a speech given by Wendell Broom in 1997 to 178 Nigerian evangelists and church leaders which challenged them (and us) to fill in the unevangelized gaps of Africa with a deliberate church-planting strategy to join the churches of West and East Africa by "meeting in the middle." The book concludes with an extensive bibliography of books, research, and articles on African missions by missionaries and authors associated with the Churches of Christ.

ISBN: 9780915547685

Pages: 392

Dimensions (inches): 8.25 x 5.5

Weight (pounds): 1.25

Vendor: ACU Press

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