• Keep Faith Alive: Grandparents and a Godly Legacy

Keep Faith Alive: Grandparents and a Godly Legacy

$ 17.99

by Dudley Chancey 

Will Our Faith Have Any Children?

No matter your age, faith can be tough to define and even more difficult to quantify and measure. In the New Testament, the writer of Hebrews calls it an evidence of something unseen, and James the brother of Jesus explains that faith must have works or it is dead. So faith isn’t something we can see, but it does produce results.

Dudley Chancey believes every Christian should take an active role in cultivating their own faith and helping others, especially the young, to grow. Grounded in academic research, Keep Faith Alive offers a careful look at what today’s grandparents understand about faith and their role in society. He offers actionable steps for fostering a deep, lasting spiritual legacy. With a focus on storytelling, prayer, and practical advice, he equips grandparents to make a meaningful, intentional impact on their grandchildren’s faith journeys, ensuring their lives are filled with purpose and spiritual richness.

Dudley Chancey leads the Intergenerational Faith Center at Oklahoma Christian University. He served as a professor of youth and family ministry from 1998 to 2020, equipping a generation of pastors.

“When Paul sought to strengthen the faith and galvanize the courage of Timothy, he evoked the name of Timothy’s grandmother, Lois (among other things). In this well-researched and challenging book, Chancey reminds us of the vital role grandparents can play in the lives of both their children and grandchildren. We can be guides, affirmers, encouragers, and evangelists. I’m especially grateful for the suggestions of how to be intentional in passing along our stories of faith to our grandkids.”

—Mike Cope, Director of Ministry Outreach, Pepperdine University

“The author of this book articulates a spiritual vision for grandparents that can help anyone learn how to make a lasting kingdom investment in their grandchildren. While parents are still to be the primary spiritual guides for their children, grandparents have a rich opportunity to participate in their spiritual formation and growth.”

—Jim Martin, Vice President, Harding School of Theology

ISBN: 9781684262229

Pages: 208

Dimensions (inches): 5.5 x 8.25 

Weight (pounds): .5 

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